Saturday, June 16, 2007

my loins (and my bum) burn for Armenia

A last day at the Tobay beach to tire myself out for the 15 hours of travel. A beautiful and windfull day. Despite the repeated lathering on of Coppertone's finest- I burned my bum, the only part of my body I'll be consistently using on the plane. [I would insert some kitchy Armenian phrase that translates to 'C'est la vie,' however, I don't know one yet.]

from 100 main,



Weatherization Skillshop said...

vaya con dios!

or, as we say in Vee Tee, cain't get there from here! keep your taint sunburn free and your mind open - and travel hopefully, with all our love,

Liz & co.

Guru fan said...

Consider me salivating--I want MORE!

Unknown said...

You are the most, bestest daughter anyone could ask for!!

Traveling mercies

Marge Kyrkostas said...

The Gods of Armenia & Greece have looked upon you with great favor. As Ralph Kramden would say, "You're the greatest"
Yaya Marge

Weatherization Skillshop said...

Hapy Birthday!

Love Auntie Liz, aviidly waiting for anotherblog post